Proposing VAR Edu’s Move to the Lilley Library

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This proposal was presented to a Behrend committee in August 2022. They have been tasked with re-envisioning the Lilley Library on the Penn State Behrend campus for the next generation of students. They had heard about us through channels around campus and they were interested in learning more about what our initiative could offer in the library.

Our initial space, Fasenmyer 200, has been made available to us temporarily but permanent space is not open. Our operations are outgrowing our space so there is a need for a larger, permanent space.

This proposal sought to provide an overview of XR technology in the classroom, highlight the results of VAR Edu’s alpha launch in Spring 2022, and describe characteristics needed in a space that could facilitate our operations.

View the full report here *Link to PDF*

The proposal’s reception at the conference meeting was phenomenal and a permanent space in the Library for VAR Edu is looking promising!

I am excited about the future of VAR Edu!

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